Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mrs. Piggle Wiggle

From the article "The Imaginary Body" by Susan Stewart, she says "In anthropological and historical studies considerable attention has been focused on the ways in which such symbolic inversions present the world upside down, the categories and hierarchical arrangement of culture in a recognizable disorder."

In the child's book series 'Mrs. Piggle Wiggle,' many of the different normal symbols that we have come to know as common is turned upside down-quite literally. Her house that she lives in is upside down, so instead the house sits on its point. Her world makes complete sense and she does normal things in a typical way. The symbols that are normal in everyday life are then turned upside down. Although this may seem like a silly child's book, it still can represent things. It is a symbol that what we may know can be turned upside down and yet it will still make sense and function.  Within the book Mrs. piggle Wiggle was known by the children in the neighborhood. She was a symbol of someone that the kids could turn to and that she could provide a safe place for the kids to visit, grow, and learn. This is just a symbol that is presented in one child's book series. Throughout countless number of tales an anthropologist is sure to stumble upon these upside down and backwards symbols. To a child, it provides them with entertainment, but if a person looks more closely they can see that it is a break down of the world in which we all live in.

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